Banknotes, bells & bins – this week's MSE Forum highlights
It may be Valentine's Day this week, but we love the MSE Forum community all year round. Here are some of this week's best bits.
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Money Moral Dilemma
Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.
Should I accept an expensive present from my boyfriend who owes me money?
My boyfriend, who has been trying to sort himself out financially, got me a beautiful bike that cost £1,500 for my birthday. He says it's a larger-than-normal gift to say thank you for finding us our flat and helping him sort his life out. Yet he owes me a month's rent and half of the deposit on the flat we recently moved into, and has been stressed about finding money to buy things his daughters want. Do I accept the bike to avoid hurting his feelings, or decline to continue helping him with his finances?
See what our MSE Forumites had to say and add your own thoughts on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Do please stick to the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every dilemma.
Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at and it could be featured.
Latest comping wins
Our Competitions Time board has loads of opportunities to win prizes big and small. We love it when compers share photos of their haul, like redfox5's triple bill of recent wins.
Redfox5 received this baking bundle
Your two cents
With Shrove Tuesday coming up on 13 February, the Forum has plenty of great ideas for things to put on your pancakes, whether you're going for traditional thin pancakes, American fluffy ones or Chinese-style. Get inspired by other Forumites, and tell us what you'll be eating. Perhaps, like pumpkin89, it will be a different type of pancake for each course of the meal.
If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum.
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