I fostered cats for a few months... here's how you can care for dogs, rabbits etc too (all for free)

As a cat lover living in a sixth-floor flat in London, getting a cat full-time never seemed fair – especially as I like to travel occasionally. I thought I was doomed to live a miserable, cat-less existence... until I started researching dog fostering for our MoneySaving for dog owners guide, and discovered the RSPCA needed cat fosterers too.

14 Audible MoneySaving tricks, including free audiobooks and three months' membership for £12

Audible has made the world of audiobooks accessible – yet buying one-off titles can be costly, sometimes £30+. If you're devouring several a month while spending time at home during the current lockdown, the cost can soon stack up.

How I'm using a LISA to help my baby buy a house…

Before I had a baby I was unrivalled in my money idiocy. I'd never switched hairdressers let alone bank accounts, and the only thing I'd ever saved was room for dessert. But as soon as I gave birth to my daughter, I knew I had to change. My new job was to do my utmost to give this tiny human the best possible start in our big scary world. And as a Londoner, there is little scarier than the prospect of housing. 

The MoneySavingIdiot did an accidental direct debit audit – and got £300 back from his gym

Working at MoneySavingExpert.com, obviously the purpose of my job is to help people save money. Unfortunately, I've always been bobbins at saving money for myself. But in an effort to change that, I've been trying out some of MSE's tips and tricks. Previously, I've covered the likes of train delaysoverseas travelcredit scoresfinding lost cash and depositing coins. Today: doing a direct debit audit (sort of).