Songwriting, stair lifts & strawberries – this week's MSE Forum highlights

If you're thinking of shaking up your personal finances this autumn, there's inspiration on the MSE Forum where this week we've heard from MoneySavers how they've harnessed the power of budgeting or have finally paid off a mortgage.

If you're not a member yet, here's how to register for the MSE Forum. It's simple and quick to join.

Money Moral Dilemma

Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.

Should we buy a second-hand gift for our young relative?

Our little boy's birthday is coming up, and his auntie says she's going to get him some toys he wants second-hand from an online marketplace for his present. We don't have any problem with that, as we've done the same in the past, but she's always expected us to get gift vouchers for his cousin when their birthday comes round. Should we follow her lead and buy something second-hand instead?

See what our MSE Forumites had to say and add your own thoughts on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Do please stick to the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every dilemma.

Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at and it could be featured.

Photo of the week

Farway found these toys in their garden – likely deposited by foxes – when they went out to pick beans. What's the strangest thing that's turned up in your garden? 

Please note: We love seeing your photos in the MSE Forum, but if you're uploading one, make sure it doesn't include any personally-identifiable information such as your face or address.

Latest comping wins

Becksta is looking forward to a family day out on the Swanage Railway in Dorset after winning not one but two competitions for tickets to local attractions.

Why not see if any prizes currently featured on the Competitions time boards take your fancy?

Your two cents

September is Catch the Bus Month - if you've got any tips and tricks for saving money on the cost of bus travel, we'd love to hear them.

If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum