Newbies to B&Q Club* (its free loyalty scheme) can get a £5 off £30 voucher, valid online and in stores. Each voucher will have its own specific end date, at least five weeks from the date you received it. The voucher can be spent on just about anything, with the only exclusions being gift cards, installation and delivery charges, and bulk buys.
If you're shopping in store, scan the voucher's barcode at the checkout.
If you're online, use the code on the voucher. For online orders, delivery's £6, or free if you're spending £75+ (after the discount). Or if you live near a store, click & collect is free.
The T&Cs state your welcome voucher should arrive within a few days of your registration, so bear that in mind if you've got a planned purchase coming up. You need to have opted in to marketing emails in order to be sent the voucher.
There's currently no end date for this offer, but we'll update here if anything changes.
For more savings, see our Home & Garden deals round-up.
B&Q's free loyalty scheme gives members access to exclusive offers and previews, including 10% off key cutting, discounts on Hertz van rental, digital receipts and the occasional voucher. You can choose to have a physical loyalty card, or a digital one via the free B&Q app (Android/iOS).
If you go online to B&Q* you can browse its clearance section for bargains, with 'up to 50% off' a selected range of DIY, home and garden items that changes regularly subject to stock. Delivery's £6 or free on orders of £75 or more, or free if you collect in a store (find your nearest*).
As is the nature of a clearance, stock is limited, so you'll have to move quickly if you see something you want. It's also worth checking if there's a clearance section in your local store, but obviously what's available will vary from place to place.
Max discount we spotted: 50%
Min discount we spotted: 20%
Average discount based on 10 random items: 30%
What is the headline discount based on: The Advertising Standards Agency has previously stated that at least 10% of items should be available at the 'up to' price.
If you're aged 60 or above and have B&Q's 'Diamond' loyalty card, you can get a 10% discount on gardening products at B&Q stores every Wednesday.
The Diamond scheme and over-60s discount is no longer available for new customers signing up - only for those who already have their card. See our news story B&Q to close over-60s discount scheme to new applicants for more info.
There are always ways you can save money at B&Q*, so don't assume you can't cut your costs even if there are no B&Q discount codes or sales around at the moment that work for you.
Ways to save money at B&Q include:
Free Click & Collect. This allows you to save on delivery costs by ordering an item online and collecting it from a B&Q store (find your nearest*). Of course, this will depend on your local store having your item in stock.
Try haggling. We polled 1,400 MoneySavers to see in which shops they had most success haggling, and 60% of those who'd tried said they managed to blag a discount at B&Q - so it's probably worth a punt if you're brave enough. Read our Haggle on the High Street guide for more haggling tips.
Check out similar retailers, eg, Homebase, Wickes. If you're not committed to buying from B&Q, check out our deals from other places such as Homebase, Wickes, Ikea and Habitat, where you may find there's a better offer.
Had a problem with B&Q? There’s a free online tool you can use to complain – it helps draft, manage and if necessary escalate your complaint. It’s offered by a firm called Resolver, which we like so much we work with it to help people get complaints justice – you can use it to complain to B&Q.
If you spot any hot deals out there we've missed (we are human after all!), please let us know in the MSE Forum, email us at or via Twitter @MSE_Deals.
You may not think of B&Q as a stereotypical Black Friday retailer, but as of Friday 1 November, it has discounted thousands of items in its Black Friday sale, lasting until Monday 2 December.
The sale is across multiple categories including power tools, outdoor, furniture, painting & decorating, electricals and more. From what we've seen, most of the discounts aren't huge, and some sections have a flat discount, such as 20% off selected kitchen cabinets and worktops, baths, and lighting.
There are discounts on well-known brands such as Henry and Kärcher, however many of these can't be price compared as they're only stocked at B&Q and TradePoint (B&Q's trade membership scheme).
Standard online delivery's £6 for orders under £75, or you can click & collect for free.
If you're new to B&Q Club, you can get £5 off a £30 spend to maximise your saving.
Important: Don’t allow yourself to be taken in by the hype around Black Friday and be sucked into buying something you don’t need or can’t afford. Always do your own price comparisons to ensure you are getting the best deal possible – don’t just take a retailer’s word for it.
See our Black Friday 2024 guide for all our analysis. Check Deals & Vouchers for more latest offers on now.
From Friday 2 August until 11.59pm on Tuesday 6 August, B&Q Club members (sign-up is free) can get 10% off in stores and online. If you've a planned purchase coming up, this discount could be handy as it's valid on most items.
We don't often see B&Q offer store-wide discounts – it last did it for a few days back in March, again for its loyalty scheme members – so this could be a good time to buy, especially if you've got a big purchase planned, or need items that are rarely discounted.
The 10% off is automatically applied when you're signed into your B&Q Club account online – there's no voucher or code needed – and for in-store purchases, just show your Club card at the till.
B&Q says it applies to everything in-store, and to thousands of items online. The exclusions are gift cards, installation costs, delivery costs, in-store concessions and products online that are sold and shipped by verified (third-party) sellers.
Standard online delivery's £6 for orders under £75, or you can click & collect for free.
If you're new to B&Q Club, you can get £5 off a £30 spend. B&Q wouldn't tell us if you can combine this newbies offer with the 10% off deal, but it's worth giving it a go to maximise the discount. If they can't be combined, then of course £5 off is a better deal if you're spending less than £50, though bear in mind the £5 off voucher can take a few days to be emailed to you after signing up.
See more home and garden deals.
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