Allergies, APP scams & alcopops – this week's MSE Forum highlights
Get up to speed with affairs of the MSE Forum; here is the latest weekly highlights round-up.
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A few of this week's top threads
A few useful or diverting discussions that caught our eye this week:
When’s the optimum time to sign up for a new O2 contract to avoid this year’s price increase?
I asked my prospective builder for some references and he looked shocked – is it not the done thing?
Why do you bank with your bank? Sentimental reasons? Good app?

An MSE Forumite is suspicious of the price of their hot chocolate
I’ve realised I’m allergic to my make-up - can you recommend some that won’t make me blister/swell?
I’m compiling a list of things you should avoid when buying a house in a small town
I’m interviewing for a part-time job. Which three days of the week would you choose to work?
I’m buying a leasehold flat but found out the ground rent doubles every 25 years – dealbreaker?
Money Moral Dilemma
Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.
Should I use the birthday present I got my friend?
Last year, I got my friend a tour of a gin distillery for her birthday. I was recently clearing my emails and came across the voucher code for the tour. I checked the code and it's not been used. My friend's now out of the country, and the code will have expired by the time she's back. So is it OK to go on the tour I bought for her, rather than let the present go to waste?
You can find out what our MSE Forumites think and add your own two cents on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Heed the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every Money Moral Dilemma.
Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at MMD@moneysavingexpert.com and it could be featured.
Latest comping wins
One of our busiest sections, the Competitions Time board is where compers come to find and share competitions. There are always plenty of success stories. This week stacey2kids posted several photos of their recent wins, including a Google Pixel 6a mobile phone worth £399 and a huge haul of VK alcopops.

Want to peek at some MSE Forum highlights from recent weeks?
Kids, clubs & kettles (13 January 2023)
White goods & good dogs (6 January 2023)
MSE Forum Retrospective 2022 (26 December 2022)
Secret Santa, sisters & speeding tickets (9 December 2022)
Poems, patios & pants (18 November 2022)
Your two cents
An oldie but a goodie: What MoneySaving fibs do you tell your kids? This thread, full of creative little white lies, was started in 2021 but is having a revival. If you're a parent or guardian, we're keen for your input.
If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum.