Pansies, PCNs & property auctions – this week's MSE Forum highlights
Back again as sure as the moon cycle, it's your specially-curated weekly MSE Forum highlights round-up.
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A few of this week's top threads
A few useful or diverting discussions that caught our eye this week:
The House of Lords cancelled my wedding – what are my rights?
Muntjac deer ate my friend’s pansies. How can we deer-proof the garden?
An MSE Forumite's missed out on a trip to The Wave in Bristol
I’ve received penalty charge notices (PCNs) for a classic car I sold in 2014
We’re moving house. Should I tip and feed the removal people?
Any advice for dressing kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?
Money Moral Dilemma
Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.
Should we report neighbours who are in the 'wrong' council tax band?
We found out we're in a higher council tax band than some bigger, more expensive properties on our street, so asked for our band to be reassessed. We were told it wouldn't be lowered, and were asked to indicate which houses on our street are in a lower band so they could be reassessed! There's not much to be gained by grassing up our neighbours, but we're annoyed we're paying a higher rate when they have larger, pricier homes. Should we say which houses are in a lower band so we might at least one day benefit from the extra council tax paid?
You can find out what our MSE Forumites think and add your own two cents on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Heed the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every Money Moral Dilemma.
Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at and it could be featured.
Latest comping wins
One of our most popular boards, Competitions Time is where compers come to find and share competitions. There is no shortage of success stories. Recently, redfox5 posted pictures of their red roses (RRP £139.50) and chocolates, won via an Instagram competition.
Want to peek at some MSE Forum highlights from recent weeks?
Checkouts, cheap dates & chicken tikka (10 February 2023)
Books, benefits & baby booties (3 February 2023)
Paint, prints & parents (27 January 2023)
Allergies, APP scams & alcopops (20 January 2023)
Kids, clubs & kettles (13 January 2023)
Your two cents
Sure, it's nippy, but spring is undeniably in the air. Do you have any MoneySaving tips for the new season? A cheap day trip suggestion, a hack for growing your own veg, or the lowdown on the best early Easter egg deals? Let the community know about it.
If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum.