Paint, prints & parents – this week's MSE Forum highlights
A peek at the latest Ask An Expert event answers, plus oodles of useful threads: here are this week's MSE Forum highlights.
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A few of this week's top threads
A few useful or diverting discussions that caught our eye this week:
My parents just paid £4,500 to a will writing company – have they been ripped off?
Anyone else finding it impossible to get Vodafone's social tariff broadband?
Give me your creative ideas for transforming my sandy-soiled garden

Does wall paint expire after being opened?
I’m worried my unreliable local bus firm won’t get me to the airport. Is this an insurable risk?
My 16-year-old daughter has been made redundant. What are her rights?
I’ve been in IT for 30+ years but someone still managed to get into my Amazon account
My friend has been locked out of their flat by the landlord, with all their belongings stuck inside

Ask An Expert: Scams
The latest MSE Forum Ask An Expert event took place this month. Lots of you posted scams-related questions for MSE Katie, our resident scams expert (thank you for getting involved).
We're starting to post Katie's answers on the Ask An Expert board, so keep an eye out. By way of a teaser, we've dropped one answer below. The question: What steps can I take to protect myself from scams?

As is always the case with these events, our expert isn't able to get through every question received, so please don't be too disappointed if your query wasn't picked. Luckily, we have a huge community of experts who may be able to help you, so take a look on the Consumer rights board, or whichever board fits your topic.
Money Moral Dilemma
Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.
Should I take legal action against my daughter for refusing to repay the money I loaned her?
Four years ago I remortgaged my cottage to help my daughter buy a house, and since then she's been paying me back in monthly instalments. But after her recent wedding we fell out, and she's stopped repaying me. I'm not well and live on a low income, and have started to think the only way to get my money back is to take legal action. Yet her husband has no idea I bought half the house, and I worry that if I do take legal action I'll cause problems in their marriage and she'll never speak to me again. But why should I struggle when they have a decent joint-income?
You can find out what our MSE Forumites think and add your own two cents on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Heed the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every Money Moral Dilemma.
Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at MMD@moneysavingexpert.com and it could be featured.

Latest comping wins
One of our busiest sections, the Competitions Time board is where compers come to find and share competitions. There are always plenty of success stories. This week, galwaybay75 won a £100 Theatre Tokens voucher, tinkerbelluk bagged a £50 cosmetics voucher and BikerChick90 won a dozen Crosstown doughnuts, which they kindly donated to NHS staff at their local surgery.
Want to peek at some MSE Forum highlights from recent weeks?
Allergies, APP scams & alcopops (20 January 2023)
Kids, clubs & kettles (13 January 2023)
White goods & good dogs (6 January 2023)
MSE Forum Retrospective 2022 (26 December 2022)
Secret Santa, sisters & speeding tickets (9 December 2022)
Your two cents
For many, this is the year for beginning the journey to become debt-free. The Debt-free wannabe board is a haven of mutual support for those who want to break free of debt. Lots of MSE Forumites have found it useful to start a debt-free diary to keep themselves accountable. If this sounds relevant to you and you decide to jump aboard, we wish you the best of luck on your own debt-free journey.
If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum.