Cruises, comedy & corner sofas – this week's MSE Forum highlights
Allow us to introduce you to the next chapter of the MSE Forum. We've changed up our look, including the addition of a slick new homepage. See what you think while checking out this week's MSE Forum highlights.
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The MSE Forum's got a new look
If you're a regular, you'll have noticed that the MSE Forum has changed. Rest assured all the same functionality is there, but we've an upgraded look. Plus, our revamped homepage means we can showcase much more of YOUR tips, images and questions. A new badge is available – 'Homepage Hero', pictured right – for anyone whose image is used on the homepage.
Please take a thorough look around and let us know if you find any bugs: just fill in our short survey form or comment in the Welcome to the new look thread.
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A few of this week's top threads
Get your eyes on some of these useful, funny or otherwise notable discussions.
- What are the noises coming from my attic?
- After a friend died, one of their children became executor, but they haven’t distributed the estate and have cut contact with their siblings. Who should I report this to?
- I crashed my car and my insurer (Direct Line) paid out. Five years later, Direct Line says it didn’t pay me enough, and it sent a cheque for the extra
- I bought tickets to a comedy gig. The headline act was changed and it’s no laughing matter
- I store my house deeds in a waterproof, fireproof box but I’m still worried – are all deeds also digitally stored with the Land Registry?
- My hairdresser put 80 extensions in my hair but charged me for 90, and refuses to make things right
Is this a case of an unfair hair?
- What Consumer Credit Act reforms are you hopeful the Government will implement?
- I’m leaving work next week to become a full-time carer to my son. What processes should I be aware of?
- I purchased a left-hand corner sofa but Fabb Furniture delivered a right-hand one. It says it’s my fault and won’t replace it
- I’m looking for a cruise suitable for three single divorced men – can you recommend a website?
- What’s the definitive answer for whether it’s cheaper to use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand?
Money Moral Dilemma
Every week, the Money Tips email features a real-life Money Moral Dilemma (MMD for short). They're intended to encourage debate and, as such, they're usually among the most discussed threads each week.
Should my husband pay back the Child Benefit we're losing following his pay rise?
My husband and I have separate bank accounts and each month pay a fixed amount into a joint account to cover bills. My husband recently got a pay rise, and now his income means we have to repay some of the Child Benefit we received. I think my husband should pay it back, as he's had the pay rise and hasn't increased the amount he puts into our joint account each month, but he thinks it should be paid from our joint account, as it's a 'family bill'. Who's right?
You can find out what our MSE Forumites think and add your own two cents on the Money Moral Dilemma discussion thread. Heed the MSE Forum rules: keep it kind and keep it clean. Remember, there's a real person behind every dilemma.
Got a Money Moral Dilemma of your own? Email us at and it could be featured.
Latest comping wins
One of the busiest corners of the community, the Competitions Time board is where compers find and share opportunities to win prizes. Most recently, mclarkie won a £250 Red Letter Days gift card and Shellwin bagged a a two-night getaway to Belfast including flights.
Your two cents
After reading about a wombler who found a pound coin superglued to the ground, we're keen to hear other such anecdotes. So please: tell us about a time your MoneySaving plans were thwarted.
If you're not a member yet, it's easy to register for the MSE Forum.
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