When taking up a hobby or fitness regime it can be tempting to spend loads of cash on new gear. This week on the MSE Forum we heard from a Forumite who's into running but doesn't want to pay more than they need to for a decent pair of shoes.
Whether it's cooking a meal or making a once-in-a-lifetime purchase, the collective wisdom of the MSE Forum is sure to be able to suggest some ways to give your plans a MoneySaving twist.
If you're thinking of shaking up your personal finances this autumn, there's inspiration on the MSE Forum where this week we've heard from MoneySavers how they've harnessed the power of budgeting or have finally paid off a mortgage.
This week on the MSE Forum we heard from a Forumite whose commitment to MoneySaving was such that their unusual shopping patterns caused bewilderment among store staff. Read on for more about that and other highlights.
If you're stuck for inspiration, the MSE Forum is a great place to find ideas with a MoneySaving twist – whether's it's for what to have for dinner or how to improve your garden.
Would you spend £100 on a pair of sunglasses that you might lose or break? Or do you get your sunnies from the pound shop? That's one of this week's talking points on the MSE Forum.
This week the MSE Forum is the place to turn for help with problems arising from the warmer temperatures, whether that's flies causing a nuisance at home, or summer clothes that have turned yellow from a surfeit of sun cream.
The MSE Forum is the place to share MoneySaving wisdom covering the full span of life from birth to death. This week's talking points include planning for our funerals and ensuring a tidy digital legacy for those we leave behind.